Ruby 2.3.0 safe operator
Ruby 2.3.0 has been released (yey!) and with it one of the coolest features of all time. The safe operator. The safe operator is »
Ruby 2.3.0 has been released (yey!) and with it one of the coolest features of all time. The safe operator. The safe operator is »
When I started working with rails. Rails was on version 2 uploading a file was always kind of a dificult task. There was paperclip which was »
I've recent started a new nodejs project. I'm a person that likes to experiment a lot. And I heard a lot of buzz around using Mongoose »
One of the best features of elixir language are the tools that ships with it. One of then Is Mix. Mix is build tool that helps »
Elixir is a dynamic, functional language that runs on top of the Erlang VM. It has very friendly syntax and it is meta-programming aware. I've been »
I was doing some rails stuff lately and needed some authentication module for my application (such as every other application that I ever used). So I »